How to knit Flower stitchPATTERN
Put yarn to back of work, slip as if to purl next 5 sts to RH needle dropping extra wraps. (Put yarn to front of work, slip them back to LH needle. Put yarn to back of work, slip again to LH needle) twice.
Cast on a multiple of 6 sts, +1.
Rows 1, 3, 5, and 7 (RS): Color A, Knit.
Rows 2, 4, 6, and 8: Color A, Purl.
Row 9: Color B, Knit.
Row 10: Color B, Knit 1, *(knit the next stitch wrapping the yarn 3 times around the needle) 5 times, knit 1, repeat from *.
Row 11: Color B, Purl 1, *flower stitch, purl 1, repeat from *.
Row 12.: Color B, Knit all sts.
Repeat rows 1-12.