Cable Lace 01 in the round

Cable and Lace in the round #EasyToKnit
Easy To Knit - Cable and Lace stich pattern #Knittingintheround
Cast on a multiple of 11 sts.
Round 1: *Yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k6, repeat from *.
Rounds 2, 4, 6, and 8: Knit.
Round 3: *K1, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1, 3/3 RC, repeat from *.
Round 5: *Yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k6, repeat from *.
Round 7: *K1, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k7, repeat from *.
Repeat rounds 1-8.
Cable and Lace Combinations, worked in the round. Free chart

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